Founded in 1979 by its director componer Alicia Tercian, so as to promote and help to install in the country and abroad the music of contemporary composers, specially argentine and latinamerican.
Fundación Encuentros de Música Contemporánea is also a part of it.
Marta Blanco - soloist and singer
Fabio Mazzitelli - flute
Matias Tchicourel - clarinet
Sergio Polizzi - violin
Carlos Nozzi - violoncelo
Claudio Espector - piano
Marta Blanco started performing seldomly in the year 1980 and the was part of the group as a permanent member making her first international tour in 1985 till the present days.
Is the only stable group of a variable geometry in all Latin America y one of the only ones in the world that makes on an annual basis, and to now, international concert tours. It has asked for plays to most important argentina and other countries composers, performing them in annual festivals and abroad. In its presentations in Argentina and abroad the group have performed usual concerts such as “Tangos y algo más” and “Borges y la música de Buenos Aires ” with Marta Blanco´s on stage design.
The group haS done 31 international tours performing in festivals in the five continents such as: Radio France, Fundación Gulbenkian (in Lisboa and París), Festivals of Lille and Orleáns, Antidogma Müsica de Torino, Nuova Consonanza of Roma, Royal Festival Hall of Londres, Merkin Hall of New Cork, Chamer theater of Stuttgart, Diorama of Radio Suisse Romande, Días de música Contemporánea of Radio España, Gran Sala de la UNESCO (París), Sala Bösendorfer of París, Monday Evening Concerts of Los Ángeles, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, Neue Musik of Radio Austria, Midem Classique of Cannes, Fundación Gaudeamus of Holanda, Stedelejk Museum of Ámsterdam, Sala Gomidas and Gran Teatro of Erevan, Santiago of Chile, Pittsburg, Syracuse, Boulder, Greeley, San José, Porto, Yverdon, Bolzano, Trento, Rovereto, Cagliari, Utrecht, Danmarks, Radio Stuttgart, Maastricht, Auditorio Nacional of Madrid, Irún, Ginebra, Bogotá, and various german radios: Colonia, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and also in the BBC of Great Britain, RAI of Torino and Roma, Television of the Soviet Union and many cities of England, Holanda, Austria, Swiss, Francia, Poland (Radio Nacional of Poland), South Africa (Festival of Music) Corea, Hong Kong, Taiwán, China, Barcelona, Granada Jornadas de Música Contemporánea en el Teatro M. Tamayo), Berna (where the group had its residence), Ginebra, Friburgo, Ouro Preto, Asunción del Paraguay, México, Ecuador, Finlandia and Bologna.
In Argentina, performed in an annual basis its Festival Internacional with début of plays and acting in the most important theatres of the country: such as Teatro Colón (sala grande y Salón Dorado), Teatro San Martín, Teatro Cervantes, Centro Cultural Borges, etc., inland in (Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Santa Fe, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, Mar del Plata, Catamarca) having also performed chamber operas and didactic rehearsals in Buenos Aires and other countries as Switzeland and the U.S.A.
1982 Voces / A. Tercian / Encuentros Internacionales de Música Contemporánea and Los Interpretes / Salón Dorado Teatro Colón
1985 - Tour of Concerts round Europe and Russia
1988 - Tour around México and Ecuador, China and Europe – Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1989 - Tour around England, Roya Festival Hall / Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1990 - Tour around the U.S.A. / Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1992 - Tour around Genéve, Festival Vielle Ville –Switzerland- and Europe / Música Argentina y Latinoamerica
1993 - Tour around the country and Trimalca / Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1994 - Tour around Europe / Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1995 - Tour around Corea, Taiwan and Hong Kong / Música Argentina y Latinoamericana
1996 - Festival de Ouro Preto / Música argentina y latinoamericana
1997 - Tour around Europe – Música argentina and others
1998 - Festival Encuentros / Various Concerts in Buenos Aires and for the Asociación Argentina de Compositores, Cuda, Kultrin.
1999 - Presentation of the CD “Tangos y algo más” / Club del Vino
2001 - Tour around Europe, Asunción -Paraguay- and South Africa / Tangos y algo más – Festival Encuentros "Mozarteum”, etc.
2002 / 2003 Festival Encuentros / Various other theaters
2004 - Tour around Europe and Chile / Borges y la música de Bs. As. Festival Encuentros / Salón Dorado Teatro Colón, etc.
2005 - Festival Encuentros / Various other theaters
2006 - Tour around Europe -february and november- / Borges y la música de Bs.As.
Festival Encuentros / Various theaters / Borges y la música de Bs.As. / Biblioteca Nacional and EIMC
2007 - Festival Encuentros / "Pierrot Lunaire" of Schoenberg (dir. Alicia Terzian) / Teatro Argentina de La Plata and in the Biblioteca Nacional –Concert Cycle Fundación Szterenfeld– La Scala de San Telmo.
2008 - Concert for Mozareum Argentino Cycle Noon Concert in the Grand Rex.
Pierrot Lunaire by Schoenberg in Neuquén. ARMENIA tour - guests to celebrate 30 years of Grupo Encuentros. EIMC Festival in Economics and presentations in the Community Cycle Amijai under the auspices of the Foundation Szterenfeld. Presentation of two new CDs and Video in the commemoration of 40 years of Encuentros Foundation and 30 years of the Grupo Encuentros.
2009 - Turn Switzerland, Estonia and Italy with contemporary music and contemporary tango show.
Encuentros Festival with many performances and Pierrot Lunaire in Rosario y and Buenos Aires, Concert at the Scala de San Telmo –Szterenfeld foundation with the cantata by Eisler premier.
Positive Transcendence Mayor Award 2008 to "40 Fesival Encounters International 2008" supplied by the Music Critics Association of Argentina.
2010 - “Encuentros Festival 2010” in Buenos aires with the “Encuentros group” and “Alma and his friends” recital with E. Prémoli. Tour “Borges and the music of Buenos Aires” through Rosario, Salta and Tucumán. “Borges and the music of Buenos aires”, in the city of Rosario (El círculo teather), city of Tucumán (San Martín teather) and in the city of Salta (Provincial teather).
2011 - She sang the opera La voix humaine by Poulenc at the Annual Festival of the Grupo Encuentros and many premieres of different musical pieces at the closing concert of this Festival.
2012 - Pierrot Lunaire para Mozarteum Argentino en Teatro gran Rex.
Concierto con Grupo Encuentros.
Recital Palabras que vuelan (con Enrique Prémoli)
Two recitals with "Grupo Encuentros" Festival Number 45 which included various premieres by different composers.
Recital in the frame of Festival Encuentros. Pianist: Enrique Prémoli. Albums by Satie, B: Walter, G.C:Menotti, S Barber y E. Korngold.
August - Unacom Concert “UNIÓN Arg. De Compositoras” at the Damus Auditorium – UNA.
August - Concert “Nuevas Vertientes Sonoras 2014” at the Damus Auditorium – UNA.
September - Concert “Rompiendo Fronteras” under the organization of the “Festival Encuentros 2014” with the “Encuentros Group” dir. Alicia Terzian.
September – Concerts with the Argentine Association of Circolo Composers.
- Noon Recitals at the Argentine Mozarteum.
- Grupo Encuentro's Recital at the "Encuentros Festival".
- "Singing at the Titanic" along with pianist Enrique Prémoli for the "Encuentros Festival".
- Tribute to Ginastera - EIMC
- Borges Recital and Music from Buenos Aires at the "Teatro de Cámara de City Bell" (City Bell's Chamber Music Theater)
- Concert at the music conservator "Damus" for the "Encuentros Festival".
- "XX century classics" concert at the San Martín de Córdoba's theater.
-Concert at the Encuentros Festival - DAMUS
-Encuentros Group Festival – Celebrating Encuentros Group’s 40 years.
-Recital at the “Teatro Colón” (main concert hall).
-Recital at the CCK theater for the “Mozarteum Argentino” Asociation.
-Festival’s concert at the CCK.
-Erevan, Armenia Tour, with “Grupo Encuentros” in the program “Encuentros con el Tango” Teatro Erevan’s Filarmonic Room
- Concert conference about Tango in the Damus – UNA, for the 51st Encuentros Festival.
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